Gday Mom!!
Well.... I am off to Tasmania!! I got a call on Saturday night from the zone leaders, and they said pack a 30 kilo bag you are going to TAZZYY!! President then told me on Sunday that he only sends people he trusts to Tazzy because it is so far away from everyone/everything. I will be training a new missionary which will be a cool experience. Elder Bisby said that Tasmania is by far his favorite area he has ever served in, so hopefully it will be sweet as. I am gonna miss Elder Bisby heaps though, me and him have really grown to be really good friends, he said he is going to beg President to let him finish his mission down there with me.
I am so happy I am leaving... Wantirna South kinda turned into a hole this past week, Veewan locked the gate to her house, and wont answer calls, and the rest of our investigators were not progressing!! But I did have to say goodbye to some people that I have grown to love, the Greens, Margot and Bruce, and Raja. I have so much love for these people, they have made my first area as a missionary an awesome one. Tazzy is going to be awesome, I don't quite know where in Tazzy I will be serving yet but all the area are next to a beach. So I reckon it will be pretty as. Not much happened this week, it has been rainy as, and pretty miserable. But Tazzy is going to be a new chapter and I cant wait for it. My plane leaves tomorrow after transfer meeting. I still have to pack though, so that is what my P-Day will consist of today hahah!!
MOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! I am so jealous I am not a part of this dog extravaganza!! Haha I am so excited to get my package!! I will wait to open it till Christmas though! I am doing pretty good, this week has been extremely hard, but its over now so I am ok. Mom I got hugged by a 17 year old girl... It was like a sneak attack, there are heaps of girls here that think I am a hunk. Olivia Green is one of those. To tell you the truth I am super scared to pack up and leave this area, I haven't done it before, and it really freaks me out. I am still losing weight, the trick is a healthy breakfast, I have wheat bix, and sliced bananas every morning, it is the best. I hope everything is still gangsta back at home!! I love you so much mom!!! I hope you have a good week!! cheers.
Love, Elder Richins